Typing Faster

November 20, 2009

Friday Link Roundup: November 20, 2009

Filed under: Chuck, Friday Link Roundup, Lost, Parks & Recreation — petertypingfaster @ 8:11 am

1. Chuck and Lost have set return dates!

Though it looks like Chuck is losing a cast member. Yes, that’s right, poor Morgan will be single again as Anna Wu has left the show.

2. NBC ordered more episodes of Trauma.

This is a bit of a head scratcher. Trauma is expensive, low rated and was critically panned, why order more of it? The only viable reason is that NBC has got jack sh*t otherwise. Pretty sad how low the Peacock’s fallen.

3. The LA Times looks at Parks & Recreation‘s turn around.

This show ranged from uneven at best, to plain out bad, when it premiered. Now its become one of the funniest shows on television. Hopefully it’s able to maintain its quality.

4. What if your favorite shows had minimalist artwork?

Cool little redesign of all sorts of different tv show artwork.

5. Is Sorkin doing another Studio 60?

It’s kinda looking that way.

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